In His Own Words

Tag: British literature

  • Mrs. Dalloway

    Mrs. Dalloway

    Review: This was unexpected. It was written in stream of consciousness like Joyce’s Ulysses which surprised me. I had read To The Lighthouse a couple years ago and that was conventional, so I guess I expected more of the same from this author. Two things I didn’t like were the lack of chapters and to… Read more

  • British Short Stories – Classics Criticism

    British Short Stories – Classics Criticism

    Review: From Kipling to Huxley, Conrad through Greene, this collection covered a broad cross-section of early 20th century British short fiction. Wow. Lots of casual, routine racism. All of these stories were excellent. None very happy, some downright depressing. I didn’t “get” all of them, but maybe nobody does, stories hit or miss with each… Read more

  • Islands in the stream

    Islands in the stream

    Review: I bailed on this. Got through about 30% and just had to move on. I wanted to like this. I wanted it to live up to A Farewell to Arms or the short stories. But no. Drinks, bars, descriptions of making drinks, descriptions of bars, descriptions of drinking drinks in bars. I would have… Read more

  • In a Free State

    In a Free State

    Review: The fourth Booker Prize winning novel I have read since beginning my quest of reading all 50 plus winners. Like all the others I have read there is no questioning the brilliance and reasons for winning. But like a lot of the others this one was pretty dark and very serious. Ferris Bueller gets… Read more