Tag: Charles Dickens
A Tale of Two Cities
Review: This was amazing. This was grim. All Dickens is grim. But amongst all the grimness of the Dickens, this rises above the rest. So it was amazingly grim. That works. A few parts took suspension of disbelief too far so I’ll take off a star, but this is truly a great novel. This book… Read more
The Pickwick Papers
Review: Originally published serially, this explains the extraordinary length and often disjointed narrative. An excellent book, you get plenty of humour, plus a lot of pathos, and you can see the start of the Dickensian commentary on the social conditions of the 19th century. Learned a lot, laughed a lot. This book made me want… Read more
Great Expectations
Review: The life and adventures of Pip the Orphan. It made me feel like it was always raining. Always grey, and dismal as can be imagined. Magwitch, Miss Havisham, Mr. Jaggers, Wemmick the Clerk, Pumplechook, the characters are so engaging, all slightly tragic and flawed. Loved this book. Would never read it in the summertime.… Read more