In His Own Words

Tag: Did not finish

  • The House Gun

    The House Gun

    Review: This was awful. I made it 107 pages and I feel that some sort of prize should be awarded in recognition of my tenacity and determination. It doesn’t have to be a Nobel Prize. I’d be happy with, say, a Rolo. This book made me want to: Re-evaluate my priorities, namely why I would… Read more

  • Islands in the stream

    Islands in the stream

    Review: I bailed on this. Got through about 30% and just had to move on. I wanted to like this. I wanted it to live up to A Farewell to Arms or the short stories. But no. Drinks, bars, descriptions of making drinks, descriptions of bars, descriptions of drinking drinks in bars. I would have… Read more

  • The Gilded Dinosaur

    The Gilded Dinosaur

    Review: Yawn. Made it 97 dense pages and bailed. The story of two rival paleontologists in the old west racing around Arizona and Colorado trying to snag the best fossils before the other guy. The detail about the campfires and the letters was exhaustive. Way too much. This could be a deep dive article in… Read more

  • The Pegnitz Junction

    The Pegnitz Junction

    Review: Wow. That was awful. Not just a little bad, but so tiresome I could barely get through it. In fact I made it 73 pages, skimmed the next few, then flipped to the last page (89) and found that nothing had happened. There were more stories and about 100 more pages to go in… Read more

  • Wagnerism: Art and Politics in the Shadow of Music

    Wagnerism: Art and Politics in the Shadow of Music

    Review: DNF. After a month I’m on page 423 of 770 and I’m tappin’ out. Great read, but so dense and scholarly. Wagner, Wagner everywhere, but not a drop to think. Essentially the author finds Wagner and Wagner references everywhere: because he’s looking for them. Learned a lot, and a fabulous reference for me Too… Read more

  • Sprinting Through No Man’s Land

    Sprinting Through No Man’s Land

    Review: A big fat DNF for this mangled narrative. Research means research from primary sources, not just reading old newspapers and conjecturing what you think the characters would have been like. Overly dramatic, dime novel level descriptions are blended with dry as a dusty road narrative. Action jumps from years prior to the race to… Read more

  • The Making of Americans

    The Making of Americans

    Review: So utterly awful I can barely contain myself. Utter and total waste of ink, pixels, trees, time, air, space and energy. I, Neilos, made it 26% of the way through, and I feel like suing the estate for damages. Zero stars. Ugh. Barf. Yecch. This book made me want to: open a vein and… Read more