In His Own Words

Tag: English literature

  • Watership Down

    Watership Down

    Review: A wonderful adventure tale. Could not put it down at times. Long, but not needlessly so. A lot of good sensible material mixed in with the adventure yarn. Charming, with glorious descriptions of the English countryside. 5 stars and earned every one of them. This book made me want to: eat rabbit Overall rating:… Read more

  • The Heart of Midlothian

    The Heart of Midlothian

    Review: A good adventure yarn, lots of daring escapes in the moonlight. Way too long. Waaaaaaay too long. Needed an editor. A good exposition of the Scottish religious fanaticism, the Covenanters, the Cameronians. A terrible waste of lives. Hard going with reading all the dialogues in Scots dialect. A classic, perhaps with flaws, but deservedly… Read more

  • Great Expectations

    Great Expectations

    Review: The life and adventures of Pip the Orphan. It made me feel like it was always raining. Always grey, and dismal as can be imagined. Magwitch, Miss Havisham, Mr. Jaggers, Wemmick the Clerk, Pumplechook, the characters are so engaging, all slightly tragic and flawed. Loved this book. Would never read it in the summertime.… Read more

  • The Adventures of Roderick Random

    The Adventures of Roderick Random

    Review: A merry romp through 18th century England, France, South America, and the high seas. Good read, well written, solid prose. Needed an editor, but the novel was a new art from and readers craved this kind of long-winded adventure yarn. Like Tom Jones, but with more sailing and battles. This book made me want… Read more

  • The Essays of Francis Bacon

    The Essays of Francis Bacon

    Review: An enlightening book for the 21st century. The more things change, the more they remain the same. A collection of little short essays about how people think and operate. A hard read due to the archaic language, like Shakespeare without the rhyme and meter. On kings, on love, on rumors, on youth, on old… Read more

  • ‘Tis Pity she’s a Whore

    ‘Tis Pity she’s a Whore

    Review: Dark! Incest, murder, eyes gouged out, blasphemy, sketchy characters abound doing nefarious deeds. Tough to read the archaic verse, but after a dozen pages you get into the rhythm of it. I’ll have to read it again, maybe after reading a commentary on how it all works together. By that I mean there is… Read more

  • Dream Days

    Dream Days

    Review: A beautiful sequel to The Golden Age. Continuing the adventures of our merry band of children, Harold, Edward, Selina and Charlotte. The Reluctant Dragon is excellent and often printed and sold separately. Again it captures the sweet essence of being a child and looking with sad piteous disbelief on how the grownups waste their… Read more

  • The Golden Age

    The Golden Age

    Review: A delightful romp through an English garden childhood. Lots of beautiful introspective moments, even though the protagonists would never admit they are introspective moments. Kaiser Wilhelm II had this book on his bedside table in the imperial yacht. This was the last age of childhood before the world changed forever in 1914. This book… Read more

  • Within the Tides

    Within the Tides

    Review: Four novellas/short stories from the master of nautical yarns. “The Planter of Malata” is a dark psychological tale of passion and deception. “The Partner” is an excellent tale of business treachery and scheming. “The Inn of the Two Witches” is very reminiscent of Alamayer’s Folly or even Heart of Darkness. A boat with a… Read more

  • Fast and Loose

    Fast and Loose

    Review: She was 14 when she wrote this, so what can you really expect? It was still a good read, and a fast one at that, but the cardboard characters and predictable plot leaves a lot to be desired. But now, when I am done all of Wharton’s writing, I can say I read all… Read more