In His Own Words

Tag: Ford Madox Ford

  • No More Parades

    No More Parades

    Review: The second book in what they call the tetralogy of Parade’s End. Here we find the admirable protagonist Tietjens as an officer at a starting off camp in the Great War. It’s not an easy book to read or to understand. It’s literature for certain and woth the effort to read it. But I… Read more

  • Parade’s End Book 1: Some Do Not

    Parade’s End Book 1: Some Do Not

    Review: This was excellent. True literature in every sense. That being said, it was difficult to follow in parts, long parts often and the language was erudite but often convoluted. From a 21st century perspective the way that men and women viewed sexuality seems so dated and stilted. Interesting to see how the pre-war generation… Read more

  • The Good Soldier

    The Good Soldier

    Review: An outstanding read. Very good insight into “the stiff upper lip” happy looking proper English couple. Overall rating: How I discovered or acquired this book: Rando Kindle Noteworthy experiences while reading this book: Check out author’s other books? Recommend this book? To whom? Ratings (1-10, 10 being exceptional): Read more