In His Own Words

Tag: Kurt Vonnegut

  • God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater

    God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater

    Review: This was 190 pages of excellence. Reading Vonnegut always makes me feel like I need a shower and a walk in the sunshine after. But that just means it’s dark, it doesn’t affect the exellence. The novel tells the story of Eliot Rosewater, drunk, volunteer fireman, and president of the fabulously rich Rosewater Foundation.… Read more

  • The Fire and the Darkness

    The Fire and the Darkness

    Review: Dresden. Kurt Vonnegut made the name part of popular consciousness with the publication of Slaughterhouse Five. But for historians this is a minefield that most choose not to navigate. How to balance the remembrance with politics and the war. Like with Hiroshima, it’s difficult to discuss or write about without taking a side or… Read more

  • Slaughterhouse Five

    Slaughterhouse Five

    Review: A brilliantly executed and skillfully written book. An anti-war manifesto if ever there was one. Funny, sad, disturbing, and throughout the book is a consistent moral statement. Most of the time we look at war as an historical event but forget the deeply disturbing personal stories that make it up. I award this book… Read more