In His Own Words

Tag: Memoir

  • Flight to Arras

    Flight to Arras

    Review: A superb memoir, highly detailed account of a single wartime flight in the last days of France in 1940 before she fell to Germany. Gets very philosophical in the last chapter, but it makes sense. Redefines what we think of as courage, heroism, perseverance, sacrifice. A short, fast, beautiful read. This book made me… Read more

  • Sherston’s Progress

    Sherston’s Progress

    Review: The third and final book in the trilogy, and what an outstanding volume. From his protest to his time at the shell-shock hospital, to his return to the front, to his return to England, an absolutely fascinating look into the Great War mindset by someone that experienced it and lived (barely) to tell about… Read more

  • Memoirs of a Fox Hunting Man

    Memoirs of a Fox Hunting Man

    Review: I learned a lot about fox-hunting, and about England just prior to the war of 1914. An idyllic lifestyle, full of misty downs and comfortable firesides and then the cataclysm. Absolutely wonderful descriptions of the English and French country sides, you can see why the author is one of the most celebrated war poets.… Read more

  • Memoirs of an Infantry Soldier

    Memoirs of an Infantry Soldier

    Review: A superb semi-autobiographical memoir novel by the Great War soldier and poet Siegfried Sassoon. I could not put this down for long periods, and then I would put it down, to let the poetry and imagery sink in. Writing as 2nd Lieutenant Sherston, we see the horror of the front lines, and the sadness… Read more