In His Own Words

Tag: Philosophy

  • An Incomplete Education

    An Incomplete Education

    Review: Found this little gem at a used book store some years ago and just got to it now. Glad I did as this was a winner. Published in 1987 by Jones and Wilson and many other contributors from of all things, Esquire Magazine. I shouldn’t be so surprised by that when I consider that… Read more

  • Philosophy for Beginners

    Philosophy for Beginners

    Review: Everything I ever learned I learned in elementary school right? Spot on. This is a book geared towards younger readers that taught me more in two days than I have gleaned from 51 years of reading adult tomes on this weighty subject. The idea to read this came from a cartoon that a friend… Read more

  • The Myth of the Sisyphus

    The Myth of the Sisyphus

    Review: A series of essays on existential philosophy. First and longest of them was tedious, but well worth the effort to get through. The last few essays were beautiful vignettes of the life and scenery of Algiers and Iran. A brilliant and honest writer. This book made me want to: visit Algiers in the 1950s… Read more

  • The Prophet

    The Prophet

    Review: Meh. Flowery language and often self contradictory. A Bible prophecy/poetry knockoff. Greeting card or minion quote philosophy mostly. The writing is fairly good, but I bet it is better in the original version. I say that because I am not sure what translation my version was. This appeals to farty white yoga women. “Quote… Read more

  • The Essays of Francis Bacon

    The Essays of Francis Bacon

    Review: An enlightening book for the 21st century. The more things change, the more they remain the same. A collection of little short essays about how people think and operate. A hard read due to the archaic language, like Shakespeare without the rhyme and meter. On kings, on love, on rumors, on youth, on old… Read more

  • Discourse on the Method

    Discourse on the Method

    Review: Hard routine. But well worth doing. Very good sense philosophy, but still deep, dense and difficult. You can’t skim through it. Took 3 days its only 62 pages. But do it. Get your reps in. Cross it off. Move forward. Overall rating: How I discovered or acquired this book: RNG4LRP Noteworthy experiences while reading… Read more