In His Own Words

Tag: Politics

  • The Demon Haunted World

    The Demon Haunted World

    Review: A rare Neilosian DNF. I liked this book, I really did. But after 200 pages I just tapped out due to how dated it was to read. I was alive (and absolutely drunk every single day without exception. The more you know.) in 1996 and it takes a book like this to remind me… Read more

  • Why I Write

    Why I Write

    Review: Four essays, the first and namesake one being Why I Write, then The Lion and the Unicorn, A Hanging, and finally Politics and the English Language. All excellent, all way more applicable to the present day than I or anyone should be comfortable with. The first line from the second essay is as follows:… Read more

  • Autobiography of William Butler Yeats

    Autobiography of William Butler Yeats

    Review: A fascinating glimpse into Victorian literary life. Dinner with Oscar Wilde. Wow. Lots of Irish politics which are still contemporary. Lots of mystical and magical commentary which was and is fascinating. Yeats was a fascinating individual, and this was a great way to get to know the man behind the poems and plays. Overall… Read more