In His Own Words

Tag: Science

  • An Incomplete Education

    An Incomplete Education

    Review: Found this little gem at a used book store some years ago and just got to it now. Glad I did as this was a winner. Published in 1987 by Jones and Wilson and many other contributors from of all things, Esquire Magazine. I shouldn’t be so surprised by that when I consider that… Read more

  • Why Evolution is True

    Why Evolution is True

    Review: This was excellent. Science communication at its finest, meaning lots of information but presented in such a way as to be easy to understand for a layman like me. Very often I find that people are not as confused by evolution as they are resistant to it at a deep emotional level. This book… Read more

  • The Math Book

    The Math Book

    Review: This was tough, but I learned a lot of interesting new things. Pascal, Fermat, LaGrange – all were names known to me but now I have learned about the men behind the names. Merseen primes, Pi, Euler’s number… this stuff is fascinating if almost completely beyond the ken of most mortals. This book made… Read more

  • Stiff: The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers

    Stiff: The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers

    Review: Brilliant. Amazing. Enlightening. A humorous at times, serious at times, and scientific at times look at a never discussed subject: what happens to cadavers. From helping surgeons learn more and better techniques to helping develop safer cars, the extraordinary “lives” that cadavers lead help the living immeasurably. Religion poisons everything. Some of the best… Read more

  • Aku-Aku


    Review: Easter Island! So remote and mysterious. So many questions, so much to learn. Thor Heyerdahl of Kon-Tiki raft fame in the 1950s led a scientific expedition to explore and dig on Easter Island and he found answers to many questions. Not all, but more importantly, he found adventure. Since this was written in 1957… Read more

  • Broca’s Brain

    Broca’s Brain

    Review: A collection of essays, articles and thoughts of the late great Carl Sagan. Very good read, with keen insights considering it was written in the 1970s. It was the dawn of space travel and he looked ahead with a mix of hope and skepticism. Lots of good info, some seemed so dated now that… Read more