In His Own Words

Tag: Transatlantic literature

  • The Making of Americans

    The Making of Americans

    Review: So utterly awful I can barely contain myself. Utter and total waste of ink, pixels, trees, time, air, space and energy. I, Neilos, made it 26% of the way through, and I feel like suing the estate for damages. Zero stars. Ugh. Barf. Yecch. This book made me want to: open a vein and… Read more

  • This Side of Paradise

    This Side of Paradise

    Review: Another brilliant novel from FSF. Sad, poignant, and beautiful throughout. People that are young, do young people things. Now, then, way back, going forward, always. That damned war again. 1914 disillusioned the old world and alienated the new world. People drank a lot. Like, a lot. This book made me want to: eat a… Read more

  • The House of Mirth

    The House of Mirth

    Review: A classic among classics. This is the story of Lily Bart, a product of society in the Gilded Age, that rises and falls completely from grace. Though innocent (mostly) of the charges society brings against her, she can never regain her former status and is thus excluded from the tribal group that constitutes the… Read more

  • The Marne

    The Marne

    Review: One of the lesser known works of Edith Wharton, but also one of her best in my opinion. A brilliant little glimpse into how Americans viewed World War One. Overall rating: How I discovered or acquired this book: In Our Time podcast Noteworthy experiences while reading this book: Tiddy Check out author’s other books?… Read more