In His Own Words

Tag: Umberto Eco

  • The Prague Cemetery

    The Prague Cemetery

    Review: This was. This was. Give me a moment. This was, something, there, that sums it up. In other words, this was typical Umberto Eco material: erudite, researched, intellectually challenging and confusing as IKEA instructions in the original Swedish. So what’s it about? Sort of a historical novel about anti-semitism in 19th century Europe, plus… Read more

  • How to Spot a Fascist

    How to Spot a Fascist

    Review: This was less of a book, more of a booklet. It contained three essays or speeches from Umberto Eco regarding the elusive fascism. Elusive as in we hear it used every day, but it’s difficult for most of us to define. In the first essay he outlines 14 points of commonality with all fascist… Read more

  • The Mysterious Flame of Queen Loanna

    The Mysterious Flame of Queen Loanna

    Review: An investigation of memory and how our lives and events are largely our own. A beautiful exposition of nostalgia and how it shapes our memories. Very interesting to see war-time memories from an Axis country. Overall rating: How I discovered or acquired this book: Noteworthy experiences while reading this book: Discovering that Kindle illustrations… Read more