In His Own Words

Tag: Willa Cather

  • My Mortal Enemy

    My Mortal Enemy

    Review: Another excellent novel from Willa Cather! The ending kind of left me hanging. Like, no real resolution, none of the ends tied up. All Jews in Cather novels are bad guys. She has a lot in common with all 1900 and on novelists. See Edith Wharton for the correct usage of Hebe in a… Read more

  • The Song of the Lark

    The Song of the Lark

    Review: “Here were the sand hills, the grasshoppers and locusts, all the things that wakened and chirped in the early morning, the reaching and reaching of high plains, the immeasurable yearnings of all flat lands.” I cannot express how magnificent this book is so I’m not going to even try. This book made me want… Read more

  • O Pioneers!

    O Pioneers!

    Review: Absolutely magnificent. The more of Willa Cather I read, the more she speaks to me. And not just speaking like to someone waiting for the bus, but speaking at a primal emotional level. Like the rich prairie soil she so beautifully describes. “The gold flecks in her irises were like the color of sunflower… Read more

  • Alexander’s Bridge

    Alexander’s Bridge

    Review: A five star performance again from Cather. Reminded me a lot of Henry James in The Ambassadors or the The Bostonians, men and women trying to be men and women but hidebound by manners and etiquette. This is the difference between good writing and great writing. The only criticism I would make is that… Read more

  • The Troll Garden

    The Troll Garden

    Review: A glorious selection of seven short stories. Capturing the sense of silence and emptiness on the Great Plains, like you are there. “A Wagner Matinee” is amazing and also very tragic. In the true sense of that word. “The Inconceivable Silence of the Plains” Last trains and slow sunsets, snow and frozen fields. First… Read more