In His Own Words

Tender is the Night by F. Scott Fitzgerald

Tender is the Night

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  • Title: Tender is the Night
  • Author: F. Scott Fitzgerald
  • Genre/Subject: American Literature
  • Publisher: Kindle
  • Publication Date: 1933
  • Start date: 9/23/2021
  • Finish date: 10/7/2021


An excellent novel. Not quite on the same level as Gatsby or Paradise, but very good.

A lot of the narrative involving alcohol reminded me perfectly of myself.

Settings were beautiful, Nice, Cannes, Zurich.

I had a hard time liking any of the characters, though. They were interesting and yet not fully likeable, like the people you meet in bars.

Found the ending rushed, like he needed to tie up all the threads and get it off to the publishers.

This book made me want to: stay sober

Overall rating:



Other: Boozy denial

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