In His Own Words

Thames Mudlarking: Searching for London's Lost Treasures by Jason Sandy and Nick Stevens

Thames Mudlarking

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  • Title: Thames Mudlarking
  • Author: Sandy & Stevens
  • Genre/Subject: Archaeology
  • Publisher: Shire Books
  • Publication Date: 2021
  • Start date: 12/5/2022
  • Finish date: 12/5/2022


What a neat little volume, about a neat little hobby.

Mudlarking is essentially beachcombing, but on the Thames River. The things that people discover at low tide are always unique.

Thousands of coins, tube tokens and clay pipes. But also an authentic Victoria Cross medal and fossils of Neanderthal humans.

Plenty of pictures and a good narrative of the history of this unusual scavenging practice throughout the centuries of the metropolis.

This book made me want to: read Sherlock Holmes again

Overall rating:



Other: Muddiness and madness

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