- Title: The Adventures of Tom Bombadil
- Author: J.R.R. Tolkien
- Genre/Subject: Fantasy
- Publisher: Harper/Collins
- Publication Date: 1962
- Start date: 8/17/2022
- Finish date: 8/21/2022
What a neat little volume!
A book of verse. Published in 1962 at the request of his publisher (Allen & Unwin). The poems were almost all adapted from Tolkien’s much earlier poems published in university journals, most having nothing to do with Tom Bombadil or even the LOTR franchise. Thanks to an editorial conceit that the poems were written by hobbits they all dovetail neatly into the LOTR mythology.
The poems themselves are very well constructed, as only an English Literature professor could manage. Odd rhyming schemes abound, even one poem using the caesura device.
The last third of the book is commentary on the poems and provides a wealth of information on the background and meaning behind each one.
This book made me want to: suggest that any zoo that houses an armadillo consider calling him or here “Bombadillo the Armadillo” if they have not already done so
Overall rating:
Other: Yellow boots factor
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