In His Own Words

The Catalogue of Shipwrecked Books by Edward Wilson-Lee

The Catalogue of Shipwrecked Books

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The Catalogue of Shipwrecked Books by Edward Wilson-Lee
  • Title: The Catalogue of Shipwrecked Books
  • Author: Edward Wilson-Lee
  • Genre/Subject: Libraries, History
  • Publisher:
  • Number of pages: 341
  • Publication Date: 2019
  • Finish date: 3/22/2020


Hernando Columbus and his quest to build a universal library.

Extraordinary research into an extraordinary man and an extraordinary project.

Highly interesting and informative, both historically and scientifically.

Books are our memories and need to be preserved and accessible to all.

Overall rating:

How I discovered or acquired this book: Libby suggestion

Noteworthy experiences while reading this book: Covid 19 grips the globe

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Ratings (1-10, 10 being exceptional):

  • Quality of writing – 9
  • Pace – 8
  • Plot development – 8
  • Characters – 7
  • Enjoyability – 7
  • Insightfulness – 8
  • Ease of reading – 6
  • Photos/illustrations – 9

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