In His Own Words

The Complete Odes and Epodes by Horace

The Complete Odes and Epodes

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  • Title: The Complete Odes and Epodes
  • Author: Horace/David West
  • Genre/Subject: Roman poetry
  • Publisher: Oxford World’s Classics
  • Publication Date: 2000
  • Start date: 8/23/2021
  • Finish date: 8/30/2021


When you first pick up a 2000 year old book of poetry you have the obvious apprehension, and hope that you can make some sense out of it all.

This was different. Very different. The odes, epodes and hymns within this little volume are as vibrant today as when they were first written.

Horace can be bawdy, scathingly rude, and yet capture the essence of fleeting time all in one set of verses.

Will re-read this for sure, not cover to cover, but a passage here and there. Life is richer with this quality of verse in it.

This book made me want to: buy a villa

Overall rating:



Other: Villa-ny

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