In His Own Words

The English Patient by Michael Ondaatje

The English Patient

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  • Title: The English Patient
  • Author: Michael Ondaatje
  • Genre/Subject: Fiction (Booker Prize)
  • Publisher: Vintage
  • Publication Date: 1992
  • Start date: 2/6/2023
  • Finish date: 2/11/2023


I was reluctant to read this as I had heard that it was a women’s book. Meaning one of those odious volumes that fat chicks in yoga pants gush to one another about in trendy coffee shops. Well I had no cause to fear, this was outstanding.

From beginning to end this novel was magnificent. The four main character’s individual stories are skillfully woven together into a cohesive whole.

The real history that the novel is based on shines through, and yet it is fiction, not trying to be factual.

I learned a lot about bomb disposal and post war Italy that I never knew about.

Satisfying and stimulating.

This book made me want to: avoid wars, unexploded bombs, morphine, land mines, and booby-trapped pianos

Overall rating:



Other: Canadian author yo!

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