In His Own Words

The Enormous Room

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  • Title: The Enormous Room
  • Author: e.e. cummings
  • Genre/Subject: Literature/Biography
  • Publisher: Liveright
  • Publication Date: 1950
  • Start date: 6/7/2022
  • Finish date: 6/15/2022


Powerful and deeply personal narrative of the author’s experience in a prison in France during the Great War.

So many of the things, feelings and experiences I know intimately from my own jailhouse experience.

The prose was so exquisite in places that I grabbed my highlighter to preserve them.

Really great reading, I’m sad that I reached the end.

Cinc étoiles.

This book made me want to: sleep under 15 blankets

Overall rating:



Other: Use of the word “merde”

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