In His Own Words

The Essays of Francis Bacon by Francis Bacon

The Essays of Francis Bacon

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  • Title: The Essays of Francis Bacon
  • Author: Francis Bacon
  • Genre/Subject: English literature and philosophy
  • Publisher: Kindle
  • Publication Date: 1597
  • Start date: 1/8/2021
  • Finish date: 1/10/2021


An enlightening book for the 21st century.

The more things change, the more they remain the same.

A collection of little short essays about how people think and operate.

A hard read due to the archaic language, like Shakespeare without the rhyme and meter.

On kings, on love, on rumors, on youth, on old age, on gardening. It’s got a lot to say on a lot of things.

This book made me want to: build a formal garden, tear a bodice, possibly fondle a wench

Overall rating:


Plot: n/a

Other: Solid advice

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