In His Own Words

The Gilded Dinosaur by Mark Jaffe

The Gilded Dinosaur

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  • Title: The Gilded Dinosaur
  • Author: Mark Jaffe
  • Genre/Subject: Science History
  • Publisher: Crown
  • Publication Date: 2000
  • Start date: 4/30/2023
  • Finish date: 5/1/2023



Made it 97 dense pages and bailed.

The story of two rival paleontologists in the old west racing around Arizona and Colorado trying to snag the best fossils before the other guy.

The detail about the campfires and the letters was exhaustive. Way too much.

This could be a deep dive article in National Geographic, but did not need to be a 500 page leviathan.

This book made me want to: visit a mesa. Or at least get some tacos.

Overall rating:



Other: Tacos

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