In His Own Words

The Guns of August by Barbara Tuchman

The Guns of August

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  • Title: The Guns of August
  • Author: Barbara W. Tuchman
  • Genre/Subject: WWI history
  • Publisher: Ballantine
  • Publication Date: 1962
  • Start date: 11/23/2020
  • Finish date: 12/11/2020


An absolutely pivotal work of history. It won a Pulitzer and there is no doubt why.

You feel engaged with the characters and involved in the action.

While following all the military maneuvers can be confusing, the narrative drives you along past this.

For students of the Great War this is considered a must read. I heartily concur.

This book made me want to: Buy a map of Europe so I could see where all these rivers are

Overall rating:



Other: Ration kippers

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