In His Own Words

The Lady from the Sea by Henrik Ibsen

The Lady from the Sea

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  • Title: The Lady from the Sea
  • Author: Henrik Ibsen
  • Genre/Subject: Ibsen play
  • Publisher: Kindle
  • Publication Date: 1888
  • Start date: 1/4/2021
  • Finish date: 1/6/2021


Ibsen at his finest.

Ellida, raised on a rocky spit of land in a lighthouse in love with the sea, and…

The stranger, a metaphor for the sea.

Married to Doctor Wangel, a good man but kind of a pussy.

Hilde and Bollette, daughters from a previous marriage, both seemingly play hard to get from…

Lyngstrand, artist with imaginary consumption, and

Arnholm, former tutor to the young ladies.

A fast, intellectually challenging play that paints wonderful imagery, lots of sunshine, lots of cloudy fjords.

This book made me want to: eat more herring

Overall rating:



Other: Herring factor

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