In His Own Words

The Last Christmas Show by Bob Hope, Peter Martin

The Last Christmas Show

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  • Title: The Last Christmas Show
  • Author: Bob Hope, Peter Martin
  • Genre/Subject: Biography
  • Publisher: Doubleday
  • Publication Date: 1974
  • Start date: 7/7/2021
  • Finish date: 7/12/2021


This was a difficult one for me to read at an emotional level. It was a page turner for sure, couldn’t put it down sometimes, but the one liners and sexy girls could never quite cover the tragic loss of so many lives, both military and civilian.

The flag waving and anti-Commie one liners don’t disguise the war orphans, the devastated villages, the ruins of cities and the ruins of lives. By the last tour in 1972 soldiers had to be ordered to attend the USO show.

Without entering into the complex motivations and justifications for involvement in all the combat theaters it is enough to say that the USO tours had overstayed their welcome in them by 1972.

This book made me want to: actually talk or write to someone who was at one of the Bob Hope shows

Overall rating:



Other: Use of quips about titties

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