In His Own Words

The Makioka Sisters by Junichiro Tanizaki

The Makioka Sisters

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  • Title: The Makioka Sisters
  • Author: Junichiro Tanizaki
  • Genre/Subject: Japanese literature, Nip fiction (Niption)
  • Publisher: Vintage
  • Publication Date: 1957
  • Start date: 3/12/2022
  • Finish date: 3/24/2022


This was excellent. Elegantly crafted prose and a strong central narrative.

A fascinating look at middle class life in Japan during the late 1930s. Four sisters with one foot in the past and one in the modern westernized world.

This was a great read, but far too long and the ending was rushed and unsatisfying. Like the author had run out of paper, or more likely was under pressure from a publisher’s deadline. Not exactly a deus ex machina, but a lot of: she got married, they moved into a new house, the cat had three healthy kittens, and so on.

I liked it, no question this is a beautiful novel, but I’m glad it’s over.

This book made me want to: try sea bream sushi

Overall rating:



Other: Sushi excellence

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