In His Own Words

The Narrow Road to the Deep North by Basho

The Narrow Road to the Deep North

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  • Title: The Narrow Road to the Deep North
  • Author: Matsuo Basho
  • Genre/Subject: Japanese haiku literature
  • Publisher: Penguin
  • Publication Date: 1667
  • Start date: 4/3/2022
  • Finish date: 4/4/2022


Surrounded by a thick foliage of cedars, your house stands, pregnant with autumn.

A wonderful, unique little volume. Part travel diary, part poetry, it describes the wanderings of a 17th century Japanese poet named Matsuo Basho.

The main narrative is prose and breaks into haiku or linked verse when appropriate.

Not a flaw there is
On the polished surface
Of the divine glass,
Chaste with flowers of snow.

I can’t even pretend to be well acquainted with Japanese poetry or haiku, but I am very glad I read this masterpiece as a starting point.

Excellent haiku is like excellent porn: difficult to define but you know it when you see it.

This book made me want to: walk along coastal Japan (you thought I was going to write: eat sushi. Okay, that too).

Overall rating:



Other: Melancholy verses

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