In His Own Words

The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran

The Prophet

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  • Title: The Prophet
  • Author: Kahlil Gibran
  • Genre/Subject: Philosophy
  • Publisher: Some twat on Amazon
  • Publication Date: 1923
  • Start date: 12/30/2021
  • Finish date: 1/2/2022


Meh. Flowery language and often self contradictory. A Bible prophecy/poetry knockoff.

Greeting card or minion quote philosophy mostly.

The writing is fairly good, but I bet it is better in the original version. I say that because I am not sure what translation my version was.

This appeals to farty white yoga women. “Quote a little at a dinner party and impress your friends!”

I’m sure the author was a fine fellow, but in 1923 he probably decided to cash in on the craze for eastern philosophy and “old” wisdom. Why not?

This book made me want to: eat a donair. Super with white cheese and those pickled turnips. Maybe fries with garlic sauce on the side. Maybe one for later on, too.

Overall rating:



Other: Donair factor

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