In His Own Words

The Ramayana of Valmiki by C. Rajagopalachari

The Ramayana

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  • Title: The Ramayana
  • Author: C. Rajagopalachari
  • Genre/Subject: Indian mythology
  • Publisher: Kindle
  • Publication Date: 1957/antiquity
  • Start date: 3/24/2022
  • Finish date: 6/15/2022


A long read, I started in March and read a short chapter a day, just like daily Bible readings.

This is one of the ancient texts along with the likes of the Mahabarata and the Bhagavad Gita that brown people use to delude themselves into believing in nonsense. Like what white people do with the Bible.

The translator often inserts his commentary in parentheses, which is helpful for interpretation.

“If you meditate and pray on this text you will come to believe it.” Might as well do that with the much better illustrated Hot Moms Volume 4. And as for praying, might as well shit in your hands and clap for all it’s ever going to do.

Trite, hackneyed, misogynist, and violent. Typical religious text. See also: Torah, Bible, Qu’ran, Hot Moms Vol. 3.

This book made me want to: tell white girls to stop saying “Karma is a bitch”

Overall rating:



Other: Bitchy kharma factor

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