In His Own Words

The Rat Pack: Neon Nights with the Kings of Cool by Lawrence J. Quirk & William Schoell

The Rat Pack: Neon Nights with the Kings of Cool

  • Title: The Rat Pack: Neon Nights with the Kings of Cool
  • Author: Lawrence J. Quirk & William Schoell
  • Genre/Subject: Biography, Martini history
  • Publisher: Spike
  • Publication Date: 1998
  • Start date: 8/19/2021
  • Finish date: 8/23/2021


An excellent non-whitewashed history of the legendary Rat Pack.

These men are all terrible human beings.

Malevolence, greed, political machinations, philandering, drinking, drinking, drugs, drinking, backstabbing, and possibly murder.

I can see how they appeared to be the epitome of cool. When Joe Six-pack punches out from the steel mill he dreamed, as he washed the movies and read the papers, about living that kind of swaggering lifestyle. Booze, broads and money to burn.

Rich and famous but never happy.

An excellently written biography. Love this.

This book made me want to: stay sober. Go to bed early. Avoid shady nightclubs.

Overall rating:



Other: Booziness

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