In His Own Words

The Red and the Black by Stendhal

The Red and The Black

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  • Title: The Red and The Black
  • Author: Stendhal
  • Genre/Subject: French literature
  • Publisher: Kindle
  • Publication Date: 1830
  • Start date: 2/11/2023
  • Finish date: 2/18/2023


This was one of the selections from my Lifetime Reading Plan book.

It was loooooong. Fairly difficult prose as it was translated from 19th century French.

But. It was good, very good. Way ahead of its time (1830). A novel that challenged conventions and showed the inside machinations of church and state in post Napoleonic France.

Sex, seduction, corrupt politicians, the class struggle, the biases against provincials, the intrigues of the Paris salon culture. Lots going on, lots to learn and lots to think on.

A worthy opponent!

This book made me want to: kiss my Kindle. The translation feature was called into action numerous times and worked nearly perfectly.

Overall rating:



Other: Jheemie Paige factor

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