In His Own Words

The Rivals by Richard Brinsley Sheridan

The Rivals

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  • Title: The Rivals
  • Author: Richard Brinsley Sheridan
  • Genre/Subject: Irish drama
  • Publisher: Kindle
  • Publication Date: 1775
  • Start date: 2/11/2021
  • Finish date: 2/13/2021


An excellent light-hearted comedy, I can see why Dr. Johnson liked it.

Mrs. Malaprop is hilarious.

The characters all work well together to bring off a solid comedy.

The writing itself is excellent, Mr. R.B. Sheridan was a member of Johnson’s literary club, and you had to be good just to get nominated for membership, let alone to be a member in good standing.

This book made me want to: order fries

Overall rating:



Other: Lack of potatoes

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