In His Own Words

The Secret of Chimneys by Agatha Christie

The Secret of Chimneys

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  • Title: The Secret of Chimneys
  • Author: Agatha Christie
  • Genre/Subject: Mystery
  • Publisher: Kindle
  • Publication Date: 1925
  • Start date: 9/26/2022
  • Finish date: 9/29/2022


What a ripping yarn!

I’ve never, or hang on. Okay I checked my book list and I have actually read an Agatha Christie novel in 1988. I knew I had read some of her short stories but a novel was… wait for it… a novel experience!

This was a great read, fast paced, slightly ludicrous, with a generous dose of solid English upper-class twittery.

“You don’t have a silly name like Pobbles do you? Fancy being Mrs. Pobbles.”

Secret passages, coded treasure maps, villains lurking in the yew hedges. Good, solid, proper, tea-and-crumpets fiction.

This book made me want to: buy a country house

Overall rating:



Other: Villainy

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