In His Own Words

The Shadow Line: A Confession by Joseph Conrad

The Shadow Line

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  • Title: The Shadow Line
  • Author: Joseph Conrad
  • Genre/Subject: Ship literature
  • Publisher: Kindle
  • Publication Date: 1915
  • Start date: 10/5/2020
  • Finish date: 10/6/2020


Another dark, chilling tale of nautical adventure from Joseph Conrad. Even when the sun is shining in his novels, it’s like it’s coming through curtains, never full, bright, happy sunshine.

Lots of nautical lingo, and you would need to be a sailor to understand what they all mean, eg. why squaring a yard or unfurling lanyards to the wind is important.

Very good, very quick, very solid read.

This book made me want to: sail on the Indian Ocean, while collecting stamps

Overall rating:




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