In His Own Words

The Snows of Kilimanjaro and Other Stories by Ernest Hemingway

The Snows of Kilimanjaro and Other Stories

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  • Title: The Snows of Kilimanjaro and Other Stories
  • Author: Ernest Hemingway
  • Genre/Subject: Short stories
  • Publisher: Scribners
  • Publication Date: 1964
  • Start date: 1/21/2022
  • Finish date: 1/22/2022


I have always had a pretty low opinion of Hemingway, macho douchebags like him piss me off and I love that Wallace Stevens punched his drunk ass out in Key west. Are you ready for the however pivot?

(Here it is) However, this was brilliant. Top shelf. Amazing, gripping, heartfelt, totally absorbing.

No wonder the drunken shit won a Nobel Prize.

The rare and coveted Neilosian cinq étoiles.

This book made me want to: live as an aristocratic American in 1922

Overall rating:



Other: Verve

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