In His Own Words

Neil Croll logo

The Stranger

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Neil Croll logo
  • Title: The Stranger
  • Author: Albert Camus
  • Genre/Subject: Existentialist literature
  • Publisher: Kindle
  • Number of pages:
  • Publication Date: 1942
  • Finish date: 9/18/2019


A triumph. A guy that just does not care one way or the other.

Some wonderful scene settings, made you feel like you were right there.

Calm even in the face of certain death, can’t beat that.

It’s good to take some lessons from this book, it’s fiction, but it’s got good philosophical content, too.

Overall rating:

How I discovered or acquired this book: RNG4LRP

Noteworthy experiences while reading this book:

Check out author’s other books? Y

Recommend this book? Y To whom? To priests

Ratings (1-10, 10 being exceptional):

  • Quality of writing – 9
  • Pace – 9
  • Plot development – 9
  • Characters – 9
  • Enjoyability – 9
  • Insightfulness – 9
  • Ease of reading – 9
  • Photos/illustrations – n/a

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