In His Own Words

The Tartan Sell by Jonathan Gash

The Tartan Sell

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  • Title: The Tartan Sell
  • Author: Johnathan Gash
  • Genre/Subject: Mystery
  • Publisher: Penguin
  • Publication Date: 1986
  • Start date: 6/2/2023
  • Finish date: 6/10/2023


Failing to check my spreadsheet first meant that this was a second read for this one. It seems I had first read this in 1997, deep in the drunken years. So deep in fact that I had zero memory of it. Acceptable for a re-read.

I couldn’t help but enjoy this book, despite it being hopelessly dated: transistor radios, payphones, waiting on the post for letters, and so on.

Despite that, I learned a lot about antiques and the nefarious world of forgers and fakery.

The slang was spot on according to my special correspondent in East Anglia.

This book made me want to: use a payphone

Overall rating:



Other: Neffie narkitude

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