In His Own Words

The Warden by Anthony Trollope

The Warden

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  • Title: The Warden
  • Author: Anthony Trollope
  • Genre/Subject: English literature
  • Publisher: Kindle
  • Publication Date: 1855
  • Start date: 7/7/2023
  • Finish date: 7/12/2023


What a nice surprise! I thought this was going to be either too dry or too smarmily satirical. Like old people that try to be witty at the opera intermission.

While not as shocking as the book or movie of Deliverance, the two share one thing. The “what would you do?” thing.

Best line in the book: “The whole well appointed apartment was redolent with typography.”

Note: this is one more to cross off in the Lifetime Reading Plan!

This book made me want to: read more of this author’s work

Overall rating:



Other: References to Bede

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