In His Own Words

The White People and Other Weird Stories

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  • Title: The White People and Other Weird Stories
  • Author: Arthur Machen
  • Genre/Subject: Classic supernatural
  • Publisher: Penguin
  • Publication Date: 2011
  • Start date: 8/22/2022
  • Finish date: 8/28/2022


I really wanted to love this. But, I liked a few of the stories and some were just way too wordy, way too long, and at the end nothing happens. Like lesbian porn, there’s something missing and it leaves one unsatisfied.

Machen is pronounced to rhyme with blacken. Not knowing this, I was pronouncing it like makin’. Which got that stupid “Makin’ it Work” song stuck in my head. Fuck you Doug, and fuck you too, Slugs.

The stories have highly attenuated supernatural elements, so no gore slasher stuff thankfully. But sometimes one wants a ghost in a ghost story.

Good, but far from great.

This book made me want to: walk in the woods, but never after dark

Overall rating:



Other: Lack of brevity

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