In His Own Words

The Wise Man's Fear by Patrick Rothfuss

The Wise Man’s Fear

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  • Title: The Wise Man’s Fear
  • Author: Patrick Rothfuss
  • Genre/Subject: Epic fantasy
  • Publisher: Daw
  • Publication Date: 2011
  • Start date: 8/8/2021
  • Finish date: 8/19/2021


Given enough time I can find fault with any book. This one didn’t take much time to display its faults.

  • Too long…
  • Not long enough…
  • Too long for a single book and so obviously leading towards an inevitable sequel. Middle book syndrome, see also The Two Towers. Ents suck.

The carefully crafted university narrative comes to a crashing halt, hero-dude takes a gap year to go on a D&D quest with a merry band of adventurers.

Quest completed he heads off to a Shaolin style school to become a super-ninja. After only two months and innumerable hookups with female ninjas he resumes the university narrative.

I’ll read the sequel, but I can wait.

This book made me want to: eat hearth warmed bread. Fuck a ninja. Twice.

Overall rating:



Other: Mentioning hearth warmed bread factor

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