In His Own Words

Vanity Fair by William Makepeace Thackeray

Vanity Fair

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  • Title: Vanity Fair
  • Author: William F. Thackery
  • Genre/Subject: American literature
  • Publisher: Kindle
  • Publication Date: 1848
  • Start date: 3/25/2022
  • Finish date: 4/3/2022


Too long.

Way too fucking long.1

Some good prose, but comic opera characters with no basis in reality.

Made it 70% of the way through then skipped every two chapters. Missed nothing.

Jos Sedley dies at the end. Nobody cares.

Published in serial form in 19 monthly installments. No wonder it is so long: why quit when you’re making money?

1 Too fucking long. See above re: length.

This book made me want to: tear a bodice off a lusty wench

Overall rating:



Other: Brevity

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