In His Own Words

Vitals by Greg Bear


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Vitals by Greg Bear
  • Title: Vitals
  • Author: Greg Bear
  • Genre/Subject: Thriller/Speculative
  • Publisher:
  • Number of pages: 385
  • Publication Date: 2002
  • Finish date: 5/22/2020


An excellent, thrilling, spooky, paranoid journey into what was (in 2000) the near future, now the near past. You see this with references to VHS, and the differing formats, as well as “the team set to work with digital cameras.” Like there are other types of camera, still were in 2000. It was fast and loud nd in your face fiction, and yet still thought provoking. Main characters 3-D, supporting cast 2-D: FBI agents who say “dammit” a lot, but still a great read.

Overall rating:

How I discovered or acquired this book: Finishing half-read books

Noteworthy experiences while reading this book: Return of the taquitos

Check out author’s other books? Y

Recommend this book? Y To whom? Paranoid people

Ratings (1-10, 10 being exceptional):

  • Quality of writing – 8
  • Pace – 8
  • Plot development – 8
  • Characters – 7
  • Enjoyability – 8
  • Insightfulness – 8
  • Ease of reading – 8
  • Photos/illustrations – n/a

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