In His Own Words

World's That Weren't

Worlds That Weren’t

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  • Title: Worlds That Weren’t
  • Author: Harry Turtledove, S.M. Stirling, Mary Gentle, Walter Jon Williams
  • Genre/Subject: SF
  • Publisher: ROC
  • Publication Date: 2003
  • Start date: 5/3/2023
  • Finish date: 5/6/2023


4 authors in fair Verona where we lay our scene… Sorry, had to be done.

Harry Turtledove (noted Twitter anti-Trumper), S.M. Stirling, Mary Gentle, Walter Jon Williams.

All What if? tales of alternate history.

All excellent and all writers can either excel or really, not excel. Not a lot of middle ground in this genre.

The last tale “The last ride of German Freddie” is outstanding.

This book made me want to: chat up a lusty wench

Overall rating:



Other: Wenchitude

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